
Hello my name is Daniel Hall. Im a self taught Full Stack Web Developer. the development stack I use react, bootstrap, and net core. I used Udemy courses and YouTube videos as my study material I also hold a CCNA and AZ-103 certification. I currently host my projects in Azure app service plan and I use google cloud to host my databases. I have understanding how to run Linux Apache Web Server running the vm in Google cloud and Azure. I have good understanding of Networking because my knowledge acquiring my CCNA. I Can build VNets on Azure and utilize those VNets to a layer 4 and layer load balancer. I am very fast learner and Im always study technologies. I currently use Cloud Academy study cloud technology and incorporate to labs the include the lessons they provide. I am person that will put the time and enregy to figure out probkens that need to be solved.

Certification and Skills



  • Web Design
  • ReactJs
  • SQL
  • Asp.Net Core/MVC
  • Azure Administrator
  • Git
  • PowerShell
  • Bash
  • Entity Framework Core
  • Bulma CSS and Bootstrap